Thursday, April 18, 2019

High Masses for the Easter Octave

All of the High Masses will be at St Anthony, except Easter Saturday. 

Easter Monday --- 7:00 PM 

Easter Tuesday --- 7:00 PM 

Easter Wednesday --- 7:00 PM 

Easter Thursday --- 7:00 PM 

Easter Friday --- 7:00 PM 

Easter Saturday --- 8:00 AM at St Elizabeth

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Holy Week Schedule

This year the entire traditional Sacred Triduum in the Extraordinary Form will be offered 
at St Elizabeth in Colonial Beach!   
Holy Thursday    7:00 PM      High Mass
Good Friday       3:30 PM      with choir
Easter Vigil         8:00 PM      Vigil and High Mass
                                              Reception following in the hall. 
                                              (Please bring an appetizer or treat to share.)

Easter Sunday   11:00 AM    High Mass with sermon and hymns en Espanol
Easter Sunday   1:00 PM     High Mass at St Anthony in King George