Monday, February 27, 2017

Upcoming TLMs for Lent

There is a High Mass this Wed, March 1 for Ash Wednesday at St Anthony.  The blessing and distribution of ashes will begin at Noon followed immediately by Mass. 
During Lent, more Low Masses have been added to the weekly schedule!
Thursdays----9:00 AM Low Mass at St Anthony
Fridays--------5:30 PM Low Mass at St Anthony
Saturdays----8:00 AM Low Mass at St Elizabeth
On Fridays in Lent at St Anthony:
All day Adoration until 5:00 PM
5:00 PM  Benediction
5:30 PM  Low Mass
6:30 PM  Stations of the Cross
7:00 PM  Soup Supper in the hall
Please note that the two First Fridays in Lent will follow this schedule, not the usual 7:00 PM Low Mass.