Wednesday, December 28, 2016

No TLM on Thursday morning at St. Anthony's

There will be no TLM this Thursday, December 29th at St. Anthony's due to Father being out of town.

Veni Creator Spiritus

This prayer is attributed to Rabanus Maurus (776-856) and is used when the Holy Ghost is solemnly invoked. It is a partially indulgenced prayer at most times, but on January 1 and on the Feast of the Pentecost, however, one may, under the proper conditions, receive a plenary indulgence for reciting it. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Schedule

St Anthony of Padua in King George---Dec 24/25---High Midnight Mass.  Carols begin at 11:00 PM and will conclude with the Procession to and Blessing of the Creche just before Mass.   The choir will be singing Gregorian chant, choral and polyphonic hymns.

After Midnight Mass, there will be a short gathering in the hall to celebrate this blessed Feast.  There will be coffee and hot drinks with finger foods and goodies.

Please bring something to share.  We would like to have more substantial things than just cookies and sweets. Ideas are: veggies and dip, fruit, small sandwiches, salsa/chips, tortilla roll-ups, cheese balls, crackers with cheese/sausage, etc.  A few goodies are welcome. 

There will be no TLM on Christmas Day.

St Patrick in Fredericksburg---Dec 25---1:30 PM

Masses on January 1 are the normal Sunday schedules for both parishes.